Now that grad workers at USC have our first union contract, it’s on all of us to actively enforce the union contract in our workplace. Please fill out this form if you believe you are experiencing violation(s) of your contractual rights, and a fellow grad worker will follow up with you about potential next steps.
Common workplace issues include:
- Wages and Tuition/Fee Remission (e.g. late or incorrect pay, incorrectly charged fees, tuition remission issues)
- Abusive conduct/bullying, harassment and discrimination
- Health and safety issues
- Job Security Issues (e.g. losing your job after you accepted it, unjust discipline or dismissal from your appointment, being arbitrarily under-appointed)
- Access needs (e.g. workers with disabilities being denied an appropriate accommodation)
- Parent Rights (e.g. difficulties accessing paid parental leave or childcare benefits)
- International Grad Worker Rights (e.g. visa proceedings, re-hiring protections, legal fund)
- Workload (e.g. going over your weekly hours)
- Missclassification (e.g. course assistants performing TA work without appropriate compensation)
- Inadequate Workspace Materials
- Leaves (e.g. health leave, sick days, bereavement days)